


WavyWMN proudly announces the launch of its inaugural national campaign, “Meet The Wavies,” celebrating Black women wavers. The brand, dedicated to honoring and empowering the beauty, spirit, confidence, and individuality of Black Women wavers everywhere, has recently unveiled this new campaign. It showcases four Black women wavers from the NYC area, each embodying the WavyWMN lifestyle. The campaign is now accessible on WavyWMN’s website, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

Meet The Wavies, the 2022 campaign from WavyWMN (pronounced Wavy Women) – the world’s largest active community of Black Women Wavers. Get introduced to Black Women who have embraced their natural hair and proudly flaunt their waves with unmatched enthusiasm.


Creative Direction: Amber Lauren

Photography: Brandyn Magee

Production Assistant: Tasha Hough

Models (in order of appearance): Amber Lauren, Kemi Karim, Chloe Sumner, and Nya Lorraine


Founded in January 2020, WavyWMN is the largest community of Black Women wavers in the world. Our mission is, “To celebrate and educate Black Women Wavers, and the world around us. Shifting the conversations and narratives around the beauty of Natural Hair.”

Role: Creative Director, Copywriter

Brand: WavyWMN

Serving as both Copywriter and Creative Director, I created an Email Marketing campaign with WavyWMN’s newsletter of 150+ subscribers. Building anticipation in explaining and educating their audience, the emails saw an average of 60 percent open rate, and a 45% overall click-rate according to their metrics. In short, the Meet The Wavies campaign was an overall success, garnering attention across social channels, and conversion rates to the WavyWMN site.

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Categories: CopywritingCreative Direction